Latest Episodes

TMP Podcast #7 - Maine's Election Process Part I: The Municipal Players, Election Day & Absentee Voting
This episode goes in deep on Maine’s Election process at the municipal level. I explain the specific roles and responsibilities of those involved in...

TMP Podcast #6 - New England Clean Energy Connect Project Part II: The Companies Pushing for the Project
This is Part II of the TMP Podcast's analysis of the NECEC Project. In this episode we focus on the 5 companies pushing for...

TMP Podcast #5 - New England Clean Energy Connect Analysis Part I: How the NECEC Got Legs
This episode is the first part in a series looking at the New England Clean Energy Connect Project. In this part, we look at...

TMP Podcast #4 Who Voted for Joe Biden & What's Counting Our Votes?
In this episode we use Maine’s secretary of state election data to find exactly where Biden’s surge in support came from by taking a...

TMP Podcast #3 - Election Follow-Up: Finding Biden's Base
Biden got record breaking support in Maine in the November election and in this episode. we’re going to dig at where, exactly, his support...

TMP Podcast #2 - Maine's November 3rd Election Results Shakedown
Posted On: 11/16/2020 On the second episode of The Maine Polis Podcast we take a in depth look at the result in Maine’s November...